College Eating….

Well I must say, I havent had the best diet but I when started college, two weeks later, boy I did I appreciate the home cooked meals.  Fast food, cafeteria food, take out food, dining out food, quick microwavable food  there’s never a time for home cooked meals, unless you attend a college close by home, then you’re a lucky one!  The good thing is, I eat more salad now, and I didn’t gain any weight during freshman year lol and I eat so much more healthier, while using the campus gym regularly.   Balance your meals by adding more fruits and vegetables to your daily diet, cold cereal is healthy, and can be use as a snack, or  yogurt which improves the bioavailability, and digests easier.  Stay away from fatty, sugary and salty foods and you should maintain good health, thanks COLLEGE! 

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